Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Supermarket to the whole damn world? How can I go wrong?

Here we have a good fundamental set up with a possible bullish breakout. I like the stock for a nice momentum trade if and when we see a breakout above recent resistance.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Jan '09 LEAPS for 35 cents on the dollar look really good (buy a 40 and a 50 strike) with a $1.23 delta and sell two 45s at resistance bounces. Possible $70 target by late Sept. time, excellent.

Anonymous said...

It's nice Damon. That clear, higher low a week into Feb was the clincher for me. I agree, looking for a breakout ... what exactly do they do? They supply food to grocery?

Smart Bomb said...

They Make Corn from thin air and give it to everyone for free so we can feed our imaginary corn cars and get to our imaginary jobs...

Anonymous said...

I imagine you could give me a less corny answer for real

Sú ღ Dutra said...

you ...
only one corner ...
Interesting your blog ...
Very interesting.
