Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wild quail have taken over my chicken run

This is probably some kind of omen. Everyone is consolidating these days...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Let J.M.s killer video play while you ask this question: What in the hell are YOU waiting for?

Monday, December 08, 2008

Adding value to the Dollar

With all the recent government promises and efforts to save the economy of our country, I cant help but think that the value of my quarters and pennies are only going to fall. So here is my plan... I am going to make ornaments out of coins that I place on the railroad tracks. A hole punch, treble hook and a brass swivel I should be able to double my money. The engineer was honking his horns off as I placed my coinage down on the tracks, but at least we both had some fun... check it! Yo.

This video makes the blog entry a thousand times better

Thanks B