Thursday, April 09, 2009

Trade like a robot...

If you cant use your previous failures in trading as a learning tool; you will continue to trade like an animal in a maze.

Use a robot if you have too. Any thing is better than your natural human hard wiring.

I think this panel discussion on robotics will really help.


Anonymous said...

Good times bro- but you are right. we have to get our emotions out of the trades, and if letting president executron make the call is what it takes; let us bow down to our robot masters

For real man, you are one of the best traders I have ever seen, you taught me a lot...


Anonymous said...

Hindsight is 20/20. Using hindsight to change what you are doing for the better is 20/10. Write your rules like you are Einstein, follow them like a donkey following a carrot on a stick.


Smart Bomb said...

Thanks Guys-

I wonder if a monkey following a banana would be the same as a donkey with the carrot?

One day our robot masters will make all of our choices for us. or should I say, for themselves?