This is how a military pilot says "Extreem peril is imminent"
If this Air Force Jockey were a Central Bank Chairman it would look similar but the radio transmission would read back something like this...
The Federal Reserve Board on Friday approved actions by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks...decreasing the discount rate at the Banks from 6-1/4 percent to 5-3/4 percent, effective immediately.
In reality the message is the same from both the Pilot and the Banker... What is that message you may ask? I think you get the point but it’s probably something like the following… "Hey everyone; don't look now but we are about to take it up the tail pipe! Repeatedly!"
Needless to say but I am still Bearish on the broad market. Sure next week might turn out more bull than I think, but thats a big part of being a good trader (being wrong, sometimes the majority of the time) Eventually we get on the right side of the market and have the nerve to stick it out. until then we shut down the loosing trades as fast as is realistic.
1 comment:
cool picture.
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