Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I told you so... I have fire wood to keep my kids warm this winter.

I got a call from the guy down the road after my having left a note that said I would be happy to take his wood if he wanted help... He called. I went and together we filled my pup trailer with green wood that will cook up nice in the fire place this January. I made a great new friend too. we had a nice chat about life and such and settled it all over a smile and a hand shake. He offered me a beer but I told him I can never have just one... So I better not. Thank you Jesus.
And one more thing... Go buy APH and GLD so my position will be propped up... :)


trebor said...

great new friends are hard to come bye. good job damon.

Smart Bomb said...

you said it

Anna Elizabeth Ballard said...

I have the same problem with Dr. Pepper!