Hard Boiled Assets
On the lighter side. my chickens just started paying dividends. We got our first brown egg this past Sunday. I checked in with the board of directors late last night and they were all cooped up burning the midnight oil. Every producer in her own cubicle. the buzz in the office was electric. 60 watts to be exact.
The boiled assets is cute, looked at the rest of the page. 9/11 comments are great I hope that no one ever forgets the sights and sounds of that day which changed out lives forever.
Thanks for reading the articles, and posting your comments!
Bro, you know I'm a huge fan of dividends! Great post - hilarious and too true! When will you start compounding? (making the layers hatch clones?)
I will be looking for your rooster to come over to the next board meeting so he can sire the next generation of paltry poultry... who are no doubt better at making me money than bankers and C.E.Os.
Who needs those New York peckers when I have these new eggsperts living in my own back yard?
that is one expensive egg as eggs go. when you get the other two to lay
the cost per egg will go down. but low
cost is not what you are or were looking for when you started the chicken project this spring.
some people start a bee hive not so much for the honey.
projects like these are not to save money but form a link with their children.
if all fathers would take the time to share it with their children it instills in their
young minds that a little work has many rewards. time spent with their parents
is something they will cherish forever. it make a grandpa feel good to watch his grandchildren
put the birds away for the night.
stirs the imagination, does it not?
Chickens, eggs, fresh garden vegetables, now we just need bees and goats for milk and honey. Wow its like we live in the land Bountiful!
Damon what a great example of a classic type education. Thomas J would be so proud of your attempt to return to the roots of agrarian society. I could use a little less gloom and doom from you on the world specifically the U.S. Wouldn't we have been saying the same stuff back in 1929. We've lasted this long since then and part of the problem we're in now is due to the fact that we we're still using guidelines and oversight put in back then. Don't get me wrong I do have a some problems with bailing out a bunch of morons and just telling them it's okay the gov't errr tax payer will take care of it. But do we all really want to experience what our grandparents went through with the Depression? And it might it even end up worse than that. Of course maybe we should have listened more to Thomas J. No wonder he hated Alexander Hamiliton so much or at least hated his banking ideas.
Speaking of things that are fowl. How about the egg laid by the black swan on the markets these past 2 weeks?
Hey I got the voicemail on my cell yesterday. Sorry we didn't hook up last week. After this week I have about 2 weeks wide open to catch up and talk about the future.
There are many compounding issues... Fog for the senses! Just stick to what you know in your heart to be true. I have 10 more eggs now :)
Ballard needs to come eat an omelet with me for the B.Y.U.Utah game. I will give him my pro U.S.A. sermon then.
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