Saturday, October 25, 2008

Do Something While You do Nothing

Since there are really no good trades to talk about; let me share a recent endeavor of mine. or better yet I'll just let you follow this link to see what I have been up to. It has given me some time away from home and all the worthless crap related to the election (not that I follow it much)

I will admit, I feel like a fish out of water in an MMA gym, but Its already beginning to pay off in small amounts. I am pretty much sore all the time, but once I re-learn how to take a physical beating on a daily basis I will also remember how to work through and grow with the pain. 25 would have been a better age to do this but 35 is better than 45... I am only competing with my self.

So if you are like me and have the blessing of being unemployed, go do something you have always wanted to, but couldn't find the time. Also if you have the blessing of being employed and that is your excuse for holding back like I did,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm done watching until the election is over.

Can I just tell you how nice it is to ignore the news this time? I have gone days on end with no BS campaign slogans thrown at me. I am voting for Ron Paul and until the polls open next month, I'm not even going to give it a think. everyone admits that the market is going to be unpredictable until the election... Now they just need to realize that it will continue to be a living breathing animal of its own. Just be prepared to trade what you see. Right now I see manure and big mouths.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Biggest Day for the Dow Since the 1930s

I really hope (hope is not a course of action, but a traders pacifier) this is a bottom, and we can see this market and the U.S. economy recover. I know there will be a new Bull Market, and I intend to follow things closely. However please consider the following, and most importantly- MAKE COMMENTS!

  • biggest move since the thirties sounds more like a warning than a battle cry.
  • gold sold off and money moved into equities
  • the capital markets were closed
  • Volume was not much higher than average
  • Today is already manifesting a small sell off
  • There are no stock (of any import) that are hitting 52 weeks high
  • the VIX (fear index) is still VERY HIGH
  • The election looms near, and promises very little in the way of real solutions no matter the outcome.
  • U.S public debt (outside of SS trust fund) looms at 12 trillion and increasing by the second.
and on a personal note... I have heard countless baby boomers talk about the fact that they were able to grow up and partake of the most productive and prosperous times that this country has ever seen. I say that if they didn't learn anything from their parents (or listen to their parents) or the oil crisis of the 70, the dot com bubble of 2000... AND they are still singing the blues because of the current economic down turn- IT IS THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT!!! for the most part... Don't get me wrong. I am not enjoying watching the fact that I am a spectator on the pain of my people.

I know I am going to take some heat for this post, but its true... WE ARE ALL responsible for our own well being. we should be students of the past and live within our means, but with the exception of my Father, I know very few "Boomers" who are not looking at working until they are 70 because they thought the good times would never end, and have a bleak decade in front of them (based on what the present is forecasting)

I pray for the best for all.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Long GLD and short 90 calls for october.

This is my only position right now. I am thinking about just running a simple "buy-write" strategy for the next few months. This will give me the safety of gold with some of the volatility being dampened as I bring in the monthly credits. I would love to hear some thoughts from my trading friends... What say you?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blue Angels

One of my best memories from being a kid comes from my first airshow. The Blue Angels performed as the final act. My Brother recently sent me this picture that he took last month in Grand Junction Colorado. I have looked at many pictures like this one, but this one is special. The background is very familiar to me. Seeing these airplanes and the Colorado Plateau in the distance just brings back a lot of good memories for me and reminds me who I am and where I came from. I think the Blue Angels represent more than just the Navy. To me they are a reminder of what can be accomplished if one is dedicated and trustworthy. Not just one person, but an entire country made this team of aviators possible. And hey! whats a smart bomb without an airplane to drop it. I don't know that this has any bearing on the stock market or trading... I just thought it would be cool to share with everyone.

Thanks R.J. For getting me excited about aviation and being my big brother.