Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blue Angels

One of my best memories from being a kid comes from my first airshow. The Blue Angels performed as the final act. My Brother recently sent me this picture that he took last month in Grand Junction Colorado. I have looked at many pictures like this one, but this one is special. The background is very familiar to me. Seeing these airplanes and the Colorado Plateau in the distance just brings back a lot of good memories for me and reminds me who I am and where I came from. I think the Blue Angels represent more than just the Navy. To me they are a reminder of what can be accomplished if one is dedicated and trustworthy. Not just one person, but an entire country made this team of aviators possible. And hey! whats a smart bomb without an airplane to drop it. I don't know that this has any bearing on the stock market or trading... I just thought it would be cool to share with everyone.

Thanks R.J. For getting me excited about aviation and being my big brother.



Anonymous said...

The Airshow was great. It's one thing we all have in common wish you could have been here also.

Anonymous said...

This should bring back some memories for my son. The first time I took him to see the plane it scared him, but like a carnival ride; once he got over the fear… He had to go back for more.
I always had a love of aircraft. I liked to draw pictures of them for my kids. As RJ's interest grew, it spread to the whole family. I took a part time job for Ely Flying Service; not so much for the money, but for the chance to be around the aircraft and the people that flew them. They were for the most part a great bunch of people who flew for the sake of flying, and doing what they loved. By the time I took that job they were using the Convair 580- It was a great twin engine airplane. Yes! This was a dream job for a part timer, after long hours of working at Kennecott Copper... I never thought of this as work as compared to real work, unless the boss wanted the hanger swept.

Damon can't remember his first plane rides but I would bet the hummmmmmm of the prop was imprinted in his mind.




Anonymous said...

We'll my first memory of aircraft was when dad worked at the airport. What a cool job. I was very little but these are the things I vividly remember. The smells of fuel and epoxy that was being used to repair a wing. I never was much for airplanes or flying because it makes me sick and I don't like having my feet off the ground. When we would go visit dad I loved the orange soda out of the glass bottle and the ham and cheese Stewart sandwich that we got to put in the toaster oven. And one time we found a nest of mice that the manager or someone wanted to cap but of course I wouldn't let that happen so dad gathered them up for me and I brought them home and made them a nest in a shoe box. I can still remember that smell.(Mouse pee and cardboard) They were my little bald babies they had their eyes closed and were helpless. I tried feeding them somehow and loving them but they didn't make it. I'm sure mom wasn't happy about brining them home she never was happy with my strays but dad alway took up for me and let me learn my lessons. What I learned from dad's airport gig was I hate flying and puking in the little barf bag behind the seat of the plane. The view was great but not worth the puke. And when you find a nest of mice let your dear old Granny Davis(another story for another time) stomp on their little heads from the beginning and save everyone the trouble of watching them die in a cardboard box.
As for the Blue Angels the airshow was an awesome family experience and somewhere I think I still have their flier with all their autographs. RJ was too shy to get them but with me to go with him he found his courage. Yeah I said RJ shy, hard to imagine isn't it.
Well Dame hope this reply is sufficiant for you.
Aunt Dandy

Smart Bomb said...

That is awesome! I knew you would say something about being airsick, but I never heard the mouse story. poor little guys didn't stand a chance. If you were any thing like Tabitha, you probably named them all and told stories about their parents and grand parents...