I'm done watching until the election is over.
Can I just tell you how nice it is to ignore the news this time? I have gone days on end with no BS campaign slogans thrown at me. I am voting for Ron Paul and until the polls open next month, I'm not even going to give it a think. everyone admits that the market is going to be unpredictable until the election... Now they just need to realize that it will continue to be a living breathing animal of its own. Just be prepared to trade what you see. Right now I see manure and big mouths.
I see a lion, a tiger, and lots of bears - oh my! p.s. The Death Star banner ROCKS! Is it time for the return of the Jedi? I'd like to be in the numbers when we celebrate victory with the Ewoks on the forest-moon Endor. :-)
Personally I'm headed back to Tatooine. Too cold on the planet Hoth. But I must say Damon can make that run in 12 parsecs. Anyway, we're just hanging out in L.A while Mom makes movies at U.S.C. The market is range bound. Looking to do lots of covered calls right now. Some kind of high yield ETF or stock.
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