Saturday, January 03, 2009

Montazumas Revenge

Well party people. I'm still short the DOW and long gold. I don't see the bulls getting much of an upper hand any time soon. I spent the 30th and 31st in the 4 corners area helping my big brother install a new domestic boiler in a house. We ere freezing and wondering when we would ever get done, but I would not have had it any other way. I love working with my bro. I have included a picture of the project in its final stages... this was about 8:00 PM on new years eve. Good times man!


Anonymous said...

Wow a picture of the big man at work! You almost look professional. Sorry this has nothing to do with your post but just been scouring the scriptures the last couple days for the first time in who knows how long. I read and then had to re-read Moroni chp. 7 vs 40-48 on hope and charity. It seems there is so much there that I need when it comes to what charity is all about. Then I did a search on the word charity and 1 Cor 13 and Col 3:14 and 19 were powerful for me tonight. Love you bro!

Smart Bomb said...

Charity is the answer dude. It seems like a person cant sin if they have charity in their hearts. If you think about it- we are really not here to serve our own vanity, but to loose our life for a higher end.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you worked on pipes, well I've got some work for you! Short the Dow. I like the concept. I say hold this til the first part of March.