Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Let J.M.s killer video play while you ask this question: What in the hell are YOU waiting for?
Posted by Smart Bomb on Thursday, December 11, 2008 0 comments
Monday, December 08, 2008
Adding value to the Dollar
This video makes the blog entry a thousand times better
Thanks B
Posted by Smart Bomb on Monday, December 08, 2008 1 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Behind every light-switch is a coal miner, and a wall...
If anyone is wondering: I have been doing my part to keep the the coal flowing from the depths of the earth to the power plants of this great nation. I rolled out my covered call on GLD Friday. That's it for trading.
I did trade in my desk chair for a welding torch for as long as it lasts... not much good for the workout in the gym, but it does feel good to swing a hammer again.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Sunday, November 23, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
I'm trying to create a new super hero
please share your thoughts with me. The colors are basically the same as Iron man... But I wanted him to look more like a fighter than a machine... ( I used the generic A on the chest but it could easily be modified)
Posted by Smart Bomb on Saturday, November 01, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Do Something While You do Nothing
Since there are really no good trades to talk about; let me share a recent endeavor of mine. or better yet I'll just let you follow this link to see what I have been up to. It has given me some time away from home and all the worthless crap related to the election (not that I follow it much)
I will admit, I feel like a fish out of water in an MMA gym, but Its already beginning to pay off in small amounts. I am pretty much sore all the time, but once I re-learn how to take a physical beating on a daily basis I will also remember how to work through and grow with the pain. 25 would have been a better age to do this but 35 is better than 45... I am only competing with my self.
So if you are like me and have the blessing of being unemployed, go do something you have always wanted to, but couldn't find the time. Also if you have the blessing of being employed and that is your excuse for holding back like I did,
Posted by Smart Bomb on Saturday, October 25, 2008 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm done watching until the election is over.
Can I just tell you how nice it is to ignore the news this time? I have gone days on end with no BS campaign slogans thrown at me. I am voting for Ron Paul and until the polls open next month, I'm not even going to give it a think. everyone admits that the market is going to be unpredictable until the election... Now they just need to realize that it will continue to be a living breathing animal of its own. Just be prepared to trade what you see. Right now I see manure and big mouths.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Biggest Day for the Dow Since the 1930s
I really hope (hope is not a course of action, but a traders pacifier) this is a bottom, and we can see this market and the U.S. economy recover. I know there will be a new Bull Market, and I intend to follow things closely. However please consider the following, and most importantly- MAKE COMMENTS!
- biggest move since the thirties sounds more like a warning than a battle cry.
- gold sold off and money moved into equities
- the capital markets were closed
- Volume was not much higher than average
- Today is already manifesting a small sell off
- There are no stock (of any import) that are hitting 52 weeks high
- the VIX (fear index) is still VERY HIGH
- The election looms near, and promises very little in the way of real solutions no matter the outcome.
- U.S public debt (outside of SS trust fund) looms at 12 trillion and increasing by the second.
I know I am going to take some heat for this post, but its true... WE ARE ALL responsible for our own well being. we should be students of the past and live within our means, but with the exception of my Father, I know very few "Boomers" who are not looking at working until they are 70 because they thought the good times would never end, and have a bleak decade in front of them (based on what the present is forecasting)
I pray for the best for all.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11 comments
Monday, October 06, 2008
Long GLD and short 90 calls for october.
This is my only position right now. I am thinking about just running a simple "buy-write" strategy for the next few months. This will give me the safety of gold with some of the volatility being dampened as I bring in the monthly credits. I would love to hear some thoughts from my trading friends... What say you?
Posted by Smart Bomb on Monday, October 06, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Blue Angels
One of my best memories from being a kid comes from my first airshow. The Blue Angels performed as the final act. My Brother recently sent me this picture that he took last month in Grand Junction Colorado. I have looked at many pictures like this one, but this one is special. The background is very familiar to me. Seeing these airplanes and the Colorado Plateau in the distance just brings back a lot of good memories for me and reminds me who I am and where I came from. I think the Blue Angels represent more than just the Navy. To me they are a reminder of what can be accomplished if one is dedicated and trustworthy. Not just one person, but an entire country made this team of aviators possible. And hey! whats a smart bomb without an airplane to drop it. I don't know that this has any bearing on the stock market or trading... I just thought it would be cool to share with everyone.
Thanks R.J. For getting me excited about aviation and being my big brother.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 4 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The sons of the soil...Who where they?
Does anyone recall the name of a historical band of brothers that called themselves The Sons of the Soil? help me out here people. Who were they and what was their plight?
Posted by Smart Bomb on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Warren Buffetings of Satan
I hate to be Dr. Doom again, but ask this question: Who has the most to lose? Congress asked Warren Buffet for advice yesterday. His reply was essentially this, "Bail me out! Act now or all is lost!" Go read the news on your own, but if I had a 50 billion dollar net worth, I would not want it to decrease 10 or 20 billion over any period of time. The diplomacy of deceit has not come to an end. Peer through the looking glass of history and you will see that we are on the brink of something so massive that not even the great W.B. can fix it. He may try his old tricks of milking more out of the masses or redeploying group hypnosis, but those games are played out. The title of today’s post is a pun that compares Mr. Buffet to the “SS.” Both were/are economies unto themselves. The point is this: if you are not questioning every one right now you are stupid and deserve the yoke of a 20 trillion headed beast. I am all for replacing the republic with true democracy as some suggest. My best friend says it best in his article from Saturday over at www.ticktalklive.com.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Monday, September 29, 2008 4 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hard Boiled Assets
On the lighter side. my chickens just started paying dividends. We got our first brown egg this past Sunday. I checked in with the board of directors late last night and they were all cooped up burning the midnight oil. Every producer in her own cubicle. the buzz in the office was electric. 60 watts to be exact.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
"That dog dont hunt"
I'm not even going to get started on a rant about elastic money supply and just how far gone the banking system in this country is... Just read the press release yourself and figure it out on your own. But hey the Indicies are going to open strong because of these snot nosed apes at the Federal Reserve Board.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Friday, September 19, 2008 2 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Dow. Hmmmm.
I will admit that it feels good to be on the right side of this market. Its been a rough year so far. I have been short the Dow for several days now. (DXD) I just cant stop trading those ETFs. Trust me, I'm not getting a big head here. I am still down on the year as a whole because I got into some garbage Iron Condor trading a while back. Keep you eyes open traders. The Dow Jones 30 ETF "DIA" closed at a 3 year low yesterday. we may see some temporary support at these levels, but don't count on it.
Also- I noticed after some research that Gold had its biggest single day upside move in history. Many are calling gold the only safe haven; but it may not be so simple. Right now I am feeling like there is no safe haven. The Banking system as we knew it is a fast fading memory... Not that I am complaining. I have never liked banks. (sorry bankers. Its not personal)
I had a quick conversation with an old trader buddy of mine 2 days ago. we were talking about bearish search tools when he cut me off and said "why search, just buy puts on anything and you will make money" of course he was making a bigger point, but his wise crack was not that far from the truth.
My conscience keeps telling me that "Wheat in the granary, taters in the cellar and peaches in mason jars are about the only real safe haven that makes sense. So while the market plunged today I went and cut fire-wood to be stored for possible dark times that may (almost certainly) materialize in the coming months. No living trees were harmed in the process. Just dead and down trunks and limbs. That's actually a good way to look at the market right now. "Dead and Down" We have to make room for new seeds to sprout and take root.
Good luck to all, and just stick to the plan.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Thursday, September 18, 2008 2 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Patriot Day for "We the People" here in the U.S.
I was an Order Entry Monkey (OEM) at fidelity investments 7 years ago. I had just been dropped off at work on sep/11/2001 when a friend of mine said; "did you hear the news?" I replied, yes M.J. is going to play basketball again! Well Jordan did come back, but the towers fell. I sat in silence and took a phone call per hour; mostly just people asking if they could get my help in tracking down a friend of theirs that worked for Fidelity. It took about 8 hours for me to realize what had really happend... Dow Jones News Wire was only giving small bits of news. I was not allowed to leave my desk unless I was on a break. I saw the first replay of the tower collapse on my afternoon or lunch break.
I felt (as most americans did) a wide range of emotions that day. Fear,anger,sympathy and hope. Since then I have wondered and asked others the same questions we all have. Why? is the biggest question for me. It is beyond my capacity to understand the reality that there are people somewhere in the world that would kill my entire family as well as themselves for an Idea.
There are a growing number of ordinary (not super freaks with mental problems) people who believe that 9-11 was an inside job... I don't need to expand on why. Go do your own research.
All I know for sure is that I feel like a man who has lost his country. From the White house down to the city council. "We" the people need to be true patriots on this new recognized memorial day. A Freeman once said that "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its own government"
God bless this Nation and ALL people of the world.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Thursday, September 11, 2008 5 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Below you will see my response to an article from seeking Alpha written by a great pal O mine...
What a mess!!!
Keep in mind people; the end game for this up-scale street match of 3 card Monty is this: Deflation of property values and returning as much real estate to direct ownership of the largest banking cartel in the history of the world, AKA the federal reserve. They learned it from the euro banks over a century ago. Once you are living under an overpass and the land has been made property of the banks again; you will be able to get a loan for a home and the whole damn thing will start over again; but on a larger scale called "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT"
of course this is all doom and gloom... however 2 hours on the couch with my kids and a viewing of Marry Poppins brought me down out of my sniper nest Sunday morning.
I say give your toppins (lucre, money) to the bird lady and let matters of woe and want be taken care of by your guardian angels...
If you don't take that advice, go read the rise and fall of the 3rd Reich... Just consume responsibly.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Tuesday, September 09, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Time to focus...
I just want to remind all my trading buddies that now is the time to focus.
- We are going to be bombarded with election garbage
- Christmas is coming
- China will continue be a major distraction
- Worry of all kinds do and will abound.
Focus on what you see and block out all the noise. Do what works for you. If nothing works for you where trading is concerned; we need to talk. send me an email.
In the mean time; stay away from the circles of confusion. (the news, the water cooler, any trader who talks but cant back up a word of what is professed) a circle of focus on the other hand is a fine point that exists in your trading mind and is influenced by what the market tells it to do...
Posted by Smart Bomb on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
This is obvious by now, but I will admit I am somewhat Delta Pos- on the whole darn mess. Please enjoy the picture my dad drew back in 66... He inspired my every move.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Still long GLD with some covered calls. Can you believe that? What next?
Sometimes we need to spend more time deciding what our next trade will be.
Every good trader has an emotional,physical,spiritual and mental place of retreat and reflection. To each his own, be it literal or a place we go in our meditative mind.
If you want to be in the top 3% of all traders you will find yours without my help, but this picture may give you something to get the juices flowing... Best of luck in your trades.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Friday, August 15, 2008 2 comments
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Bobby Wild -N- Cool
He told me that he hitched his first ride (in price canyon) back in 1978 - I told him I was a 5 year old baby boy sleeping in my bed, about 2 miles away- as the crow goes...
As I reflect on it now, he may have been my Guardian Angel?
He did look a bit like the LORD as I picture him... tan skin, brown hair that hit his shoulders, a kind smile, and a clear pair of eyes that looked as clean as pure blown glass; like they had been dipped from the oceans of heaven...
And one more thing... At one point in the ride, he took a moment to show me a fresh wound in his right palm that he got while roofing in Arizona 2 days back...
After thinking about it, I thought of the hymn "A poor wayfaring man of grief"...
I swear before the god that made me, every word I have printed here is true...
what a good drive that was... A little spooky too.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Thursday, August 07, 2008 4 comments
Monday, August 04, 2008
Time is runnin out...
"Let's Roll"
If you have never listened to Neil Young's 911 tribute song, you need a good kick in the pants!
just click the link above.
In recent weeks I have realized that "We" the people had better wake up to the reality that our country is in serious trouble. So I am starting with me... Allow me to explain. I have lived in NSL for almost 7 years; in that time I have been the victim of only one crime. A compound miter saw was stolen from my back yard. Many times I have allowed myself to think- "this place is going down hill, and I want to move to a better place."
As I mentioned above; my eyes are now open and I know that this is my home (for now or forever) and I will need to stand my ground. Everyone I have talked to in my neighborhood has had at least one crime of theft committed against them.
The time has come America... "Lets Roll for Freedom, lets roll for love; we are going after Satan on the wings of a dove"
As Neil puts it in his song... You gotta turn on evil and when it tries to hide; you gotta go in after it, and never be denied!" time is running out...
OK that's all fun and poetic but how do we start?
- Call your city council and get involved.
- Take a walk at 2:00 AM and bring a big stick and a cell phone
- start a neighborhood watch
- teach your kids everything you can about how criminals behave (so they can report, not become criminals)
- serve your fellow man
- go on a ride along with a cop on patrol in your town.
- Report all crimes
- Obey the law yourself- I know that includes me. No more trips to Phantom Fireworks :)
Posted by Smart Bomb on Monday, August 04, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I told you so... I have fire wood to keep my kids warm this winter.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 3 comments
With news like this; what else can you expect, but more news that hurts your mind and spirit...
for good news I have this... Here in North Salt Lake a rain storm produced a tree limb that fell to the storm. I have a fire place and very little fire wood... so lets bring the broken wood to the hungry fire of unemployment...
I better be careful or I will get my hand stuck to the Gospel plow...
For more Good News, and Good Times go see http://www.briankeithanderson.com
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
***Understanding the word Friend***
Watch the video on BKAs website before reading this article. Sorry its long but you must...
Tears are in my eyes as I see this video. A lot of people will use this as a moment to blame George Bush and so on...
The thing that separates Mike (a real hero) is that he understands the meaning of the word Loyalty.
As one of my war heroes said to his brother before giving up the NFL for the Military... "I feel that I must be tested in battle" He was only trying to prove to himself that he could become more that what he already was. No greater sacrifice can be made than one that is made for a friend. The LORD himself set down this pattern. Pat and Mike knew a job had to be done, and they didn't quibble while others died. They put it all on the alter and stayed side by side until the end.
I enjoy a life of liberty because of ALL WHO DEFEND MY WAY OF LIFE. That is the bottom line. It can be In Iraq or in Bastongne. I don't care. Money and the kind of power that creates false causes that lead to wars- are fleeting and finite.
We owe these men and women our prayers respect and loyalty. In the mean time I want to be like Mike.
Listed below- (My VFW War Heroes) I have many other heroes but that is for a different post
Pat Tillman-Army Afganastan KIA: friendly fire (see link below) http://www.pattillmanfoundation.org/pat_usarmy.php
Mike Monsoor-NAVY Iraq KIA: Jumped on grenade, Saving 2 of his Brothers.
Jack Chiaretta (my maternal grandfather)- Army WW-II Okinawa. Returned Safe but lost 80% of his Company including the highest ranking officer to die in combat for the Pacific; Gen Buckner- KIA artillery round .
John Chiaretta- (Maternal Uncle) ARMY Viet Nam. Alive today but suffered 2 direct hits while driving his APC
Larry Murdock- (maternal uncle husband of Luarie Chiaretta)USMC Viet Nam. Alive today but lost many comrades.
Bob Murdock-USMC Brother of Larry who Joined USMC to support Larry In Viet Nam. Lost both Legs, and passed away in recent years from unrelated illness.
Mervin Davis- (paternal uncle) Navy USS Long Beach Viet Nam. Alive and Well. The Greatest Baseball Dad that ever lived.
R.J. Davis- NAVY Gulf War I USS Stien,Marvin Shields and Flint. Alive and well. The Man who can fix anything, and will do it for fun with no thought of reward. He would fall on a grenade for me as would I for him.
Richard Westwood (paternal great uncle) ARMY WW-II Burma. Alive today in Circleville UT part of the VFW.
Benjamin Wallis (wifes big brother) ARMY Reserve Gulf War II. Now serving in the Airforce Reserve, but sacrificed 18 continuous months in Iraq while his small children grew and his wife toiled as a single mom.
Many others served in many ways and I give thanks to all.
May God Bless This Planet and all his children, and may he destroy those who stand in the way of Liberty and Freedom!
May we all be hero like in our actions wherever we stand.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Saturday, July 05, 2008 4 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Patience Pays Off
I have been with WAB for some time now. I got in at the old 52 week high in late April. I used a nice wide stop and had to ride a big dip, but that's what trend trading is like. So now I scale in.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Monday, June 23, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Geode Fragment
No new trades lately so I'll just post some pics of recently collected specimens...
The picture is of a geode fragment. The crystals are Gypsum.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Saturday, June 14, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Hard Assets
Hungry? This cookie would break a few teeth...
I recently made a trip to an undisclosed rockhounding locality with my big brother R.J.
Dang that beats sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours. I filled a 5 gallon bucket with little chunks of "grape" Agate. Based on my initial research I probably gathered a days wages in stones like the one pictured here. I took the picture with my camera phone, so I apologize for the fuzzy image. We found a few geodes and other crystals, but most of what I picked up was red or yellow Agate.
Thanks R.J.! I owe you. And Thanks Joey for keeping R.J. in line and helping me fill my bucket.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Thursday, June 12, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
"You aint no kinda man if you aint got land."
Wealth, Change and Defining What we are.
I am not a land owner of much consequence. Banks; dang it! foreclosing sons a guns. I have not lost any property to the bank, and plan not to, but I feel for those who have. Yes some folks bring it on themselves, but I'm not here to be the judge.
Delmar O'donnell (O Brother Where Art Thou?) said it best; as the title above states- ownership of tangible assets makes you feel more like you are empowered to take part in the process of producing and making a contribution. I came to the realization a while back that a man is defined by what he produces, and is not defined by what he consumes or wears or owns.
My formative years were spent in part being taught that by my parents and grand parents. True wealth is measured by the number of bed time stories you have heard or have told or the times you made your grandma laugh at something silly you said (like the time I called my Grandpa an "old stogy" I meant old man not cigar but she laughed like she was going to pee her pants) I'm sure you know what I mean. God has blessed me in my life to have an abundance of material wealth as well as relationships that far outweigh any thing that is measured in monetary terms. Have I been through some tough times or hurt those who love me most? Hell yes, and so have you. If you have not you are in a small minority.
My family and friends have all been contending with our own share of worry and care, but as I see the way we all treat each other when times get tough, it makes any dread I feel for what the future may hold, look less like an obstacle and more like a milestone.
If you have read (and are with me) this far- you know that I am no longer employed with Investools. ;) I want to thank EVERYONE that I have know as a result of my association with SWIM. I wish you all the VERY BEST and hope to see most of you again. Being with you over the past several years has been a great time for me, and like all other things in life it had its down side. Like we all chant to each other- "ride that trend til it ends" this was a good play and I would probably take it again if the set up was right for me, but like many stocks I trade, now that I am out of the position I wont be looking to force any kind of re entry.
Tail Lights...
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Nobody in here except us Chickens...
If I was a Chicken and had the brain power to think about anything aside from eating and roosting I would be pissed about the word chicken being used as a word for being afraid. For an animal with a brain the size of Maria Bartiromo's they are fairly instinctive, which is more than I can say about the average trader.
One of the most Ironic things about fear is that it keeps you out of the market at the time you should be getting in and gets you in exactly when you should be out.
So I took crash course in poultry farming and bought some yard birds for to entertain my punk kids. Here is the lean too I built for them.
This is not really about trading at all. Its about having a life and letting people who have not realized how unimportant they are do all the blogging about trading.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
“Red neck noise dude; that’s all it is. Makes about as much sense as you do.”
The markets were interesting this past week; however we find ourselves at the end of the week scratching our heads. The Fed, CPI, Bear Stearns and all the other infinite factors that converge on and aggregate pricing of assets each day. In my view we have been ringside for nothing more than market noise. The S&P was nearly unchanged for the week in spite of all that has gone on.
It does look like the ADM set up is drawing its self into a longer term ascending triangle. It may not break out to the upside while agricultural futures are pulling back. Time will tell. For those who were to lazy to look into it for themselves ADM is a food service firm that produced corn and wheat flour as well as things like cake mixes for your easy bake oven. Don’t take my word on the easy bake oven remark, and don’t even deny having an easy bake oven. Hell I have 3 of them myself and I am damn proud of it.
Gold is almost at its long awaited target of one thousand bucks per oz. (actually, based on the March min for gold we are there; see chart below) let’s watch it this week and see if it becomes a pivot point or a ceiling. Your guess is as good as mine.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Saturday, March 15, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Supermarket to the whole damn world? How can I go wrong?
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, March 05, 2008 6 comments
Monday, March 03, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sub Par Asset Class?
I cant believe what I am hearing. I just listened to some jack weed on CNBC call Commodities a "sub par asset class" Let me ask you a question America- If hard assets like wheat and soy beans are sub par, what is at or above par? US govt Bonds, New York City Municipal Bonds, US Dollars, Real estate... The list could go on for days. I am telling you right now, there may be volatility in futures, but actual holdings or basket ETFs on Commodities that are denominated in us dollars are among the few methods of hedging against super inflation. As I speak Uncle Ben is talking about cutting rates again. Rates get cut and the dollar gets weaker. Why is gold trading north of $940 and ounce? People are worried. Go do your own research, but If I have a choice between a 50 lbs sack of wheat and 50 bucks hidden in my closet. I will take the wheat.
Posted by Smart Bomb on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 1 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Dollar?
Posted by Smart Bomb on Friday, January 25, 2008 4 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Why is the Greenback doomed?
Let’s start with the over 9 trillion reasons above. Click the link above to get some interesting yet startling facts related to the U.S. National Debt. Recent months have shown us what happens when consumers borrow too much and behave like teenagers; so what should stop me from thinking that the
OK in all seriousness I am not a doomsday kind of guy, but let’s face the facts people. The Green back won't last under this kind of strain. Paper money is just that. It works well up to a point but a damn will break if water levels exceed the parameters for which the structure was engineered. Sure you may be able to cheat and exceed those parameters for a while, but as time passes redundancies fail and complacencies multiply... you get the Idea. Well fellow traders the
5 years ago people balked at the notion that the US Dollar may soon be at parity with the Canadian Dollar. Well here we are, and the scoffers are paying attention. Now imagine the Mexican Peso 5 years from now... My biggest fear is that the
What does all of this have to do with trading? Not a whole lot for me, however I can't just let my cash get pummeled by inflation either. Here’s my basic game plan for the next few months:
1- trade small
2- hedge with gold
3- hedge with holdings in other currencies
4- divest into real estate
5- don't borrow money
(stealing is ok but don’t get caught. Terms of restitution are a lot steeper than credit card rates)
Posted by Smart Bomb on Saturday, January 19, 2008 6 comments